Your comments

Hi Kathleen, the error mentioned in the issue #3 is because is trying to install the zip downloaded from the repository. As you can find inside the PCF Gallery page, this PCF has not a Managed Solution available (otherwise a specific text and icon would be present). A managed Solution is a zip file that (in case the author added) allows the installation of the control to your instance. In order to compile this PCF and generate the solution zip file a procedure (that usually is performed by a developer using developer tools) is required. This is the documentation link about this

Inside the Gallery you can find controls with a managed solution available or not (the search page has also an option to filter based on this)
The control if compiled should work
Hope it helps


the previous PCF that is no longer available is inside the PCF Gallery? can you share the link?


your requirement cannot be filled with a PCF control, you should check this project and as more entities are involved, you will need to create plugins to update the values accordingly. I close this thread.

author has confirmed the control has been removed (APIs have changed) and I deleted from the Gallery, thank you for notifying me about this.

thanks for your idea, the website listing is only by last added date to the Gallery and there are no plans to implement a sorting or send a notification (like by email) for new controls. However there is an advanced search page that can be useful to find the controls

thank you for reporting the problem with this control, I will contact the author and if confirmed I will remove from the gallery

There are several controls for multiline text ( but I think none of them is using ACE (one is using TinyMCE, others Quill JS). Do you have a specific use case scenario where ACE suits and others don't?

Hi, I don't know if a PCF control can be useful in your scenario. If you are talking about Canvas Apps, recently there were some new features around the Print functionality ( So how the connection is done with your printer is secondary (Bluetooth or else) if the system recognizes it as a printer.

I will decline this proposal, but feel free to comment if you want to add more details.