Ideas site for PCF Gallery, submit here your idea for a new PCF control


Render a lookup as a dropdown (optionset)

ReadyXRM 5 years ago updated by Parvez Ghumra 11 months ago 9

Rendering a lookup as an dropdown/optionset would be for things like reference data (e.g. country lists).  Users could add values without needing system customizer role and also you would be able to "retire" options.


Dynamic sub-grid with contextual awareness using FetchXML

Niels 4 years ago updated by Ruben 4 months ago 6

A great feature of the Common Data Service (current environment) List Records action in Power Automate is that you can use dynamic FetchXML queries. E.g. you can create a FetchXML query and use variables to dynamically update the query in the context of the flow:

Image 40

It would be great to have a similar feature for sub-grids on forms. E.g. the Account form it would be nice to be able to show hierarchically related opportunities in the context of the selected Account. 

Jonas Rapp has a method where a plugin is used to achieve that. I have absolutely no idea if this is even possible to achieve using PCF but it would great if it is. 


Full file explorer connected to Sharepoint

Raphael Tagliani 4 years ago updated by Ilia Sokolov 1 year ago 2

A control like :

That uses Sharepoint as a backend (for instance, use it in Dynamics for Sales).


Organization Hierarchy Chart in PCF

Kaustubh Tendulkar 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

Hello Team,

We are looking for the Organization Chart which looks same as we have in Dynamics 365. 

Below is the overall hierarchy which we are trying to achieve. Please if you guys can develop it would be great for us.

Image 38

Image 39


Project Plan

user 3 years ago 0

Similar to, but add also children in a hierarchical/tree view, such as in Microsoft Project. For model-driven apps.


Power Automate Approvals to Canvas apps

Zarski 3 years ago 0

It would be nice if we could embed Power Automate approvals to canvas apps directly. Now we can only get a link that takes user to the approval center. Our users complain that it's diffcult to approve from another browser tab/window and then come back to the app.


PCF button or control to trigger the on select flow.

naveen gupta 4 years ago updated by Shabeer Sher 2 years ago 1

PCF button or control to trigger the on select flow.


Control Duration fields (Whole Number field with a Format=Duration) to present in either Hours or Minutes

bsbrant 4 years ago updated by Andrew Ly 4 years ago 8

Currently, duration fields will present inconsistently in either minutes or fractions of hours. Screenshots below show how the same field with the same value is presented differently across different forms and views.

Image 37

I have heard that the logic is to convert in hours as long as you use 15 minutes steps, but in my example that is clearly not the case. And even if it did, a consistent presentation regardless of the duration is desired. With Duration fields being used heavily in D365 Field Service, this is very confusing to users.

The ask here is to provide a control that would allow a global setting to either present in hours or minutes. Or possibly to have one control that presents in minutes and another that presents in hours.


Select a record for a lookup via a tree view

Maarten Bekaert 5 years ago updated by Adrian Sjöström 4 years ago 1

There already is a tree view for N:N relations, but I think it would be great to be able to search for a record for a lookup field via a treeview. A common example would be

  • selecting a product: the user would be default see the product families and is able to search these items or scroll through these and open the right family to drill down and select the right product.

Ideally the tree hierarchy could be based on 

  • a self-referencing 1:N relationship such as products and product families
  • a hierarchy based on another lookup/relationship from the "target" entity. 
    • Suppose  you have a lookup to select a country (custom entity)
    • Every country has a lookup (N:1) to another entity "Continent"
    • when opening the lookup search window, the user would see the lists of continents. The user is able to expand a continent which displays the countries linked to that continent and to select one. The selected country is completed in the lookup field.
  • a third option would be able to use different levels, where the hierarchy is composed of different entities and different N:1 relationships (Continent - country - State) but might be too complex...


Add N:N Relationships like a multi-select optionset

ReadyXRM 5 years ago updated by Guido Preite 4 years ago 3

The idea would be create a better "multi-select" optionset.  The control could show all available values, and the user could pick which ones but just clicking the dots, the backend would make the N:N link.  Obviously would not work for large datasets.

Tanguy TOUZARD 5 years ago

And done! Look in the gallery